



.. This Memory Card or Stick holds a record of every Wildflower or Garden Escape species recorded in Alderney since 1822. A number have not been seen for many years now and can probably be classed as extinct here, whilst new species continue to be added each year, at least some of which may have been here for a long time but have not been noticed or recorded previously.

There are 652 distribution maps which I prepared about 10 years ago, some of which could do with updating because of new sites being added. Over 980 species are illustrated from my collection of over 10,000 photographs which I have taken over almost 30 years. I have been the BSBI Recorder for Alderney for about the last 20 of those years, but am now somewhat limited in the number of areas I can still visit regularly.

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© Brian Bonnard 2015

The plant list has been extracted from my printed book

The Wildflowers of Alderney, ISBN 0- 9520707-1-5



The right of Brian Bonnard to be identified as the author of this book has been asserted here in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act, 1988

All rights reserved. This CD is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent, in any form other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.




The original was published in 1988 as Flora of Alderney; a checklist with notes, using the nomenclature and sequence of Clapham, Tutin & Warburg's 1952 Flora of the British Isles, with an annual update, of corrections and new records (inserted up to 2004). Revised and updated in 1996-9 for the BSBI Millennium Atlas, finally published in 2002 as

The New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora .

My records were then made available on a CD as The Wild Flowers of Alderney; A New Checklist with Notes, using the nomenclature and sequence of Professor Clive Stace's New Flora of the British Isles.

With the introduction of "Print-on-demand" commercial facilities, my work for this was

published in 2008 from a single .pdf file

as a "Perfect bound" 256-page book with 86 colour illustrations, much expanded text and many maps

and diagrams, as The Wildflowers of Alderney. That file is also available on my website; flora.org.gg


Considerable rises in postal charges over the last few years have producd a situation where the cost of sending one copy of this book in a Jiffy bag to Australia is almost the same as the cover price of the book.

This, and the introduction of large capacity memory cards and sticks, has given me an opportunity to produce something which can be sent anywhere for the price of a letter and, at the same time illustrate almost the entire

extant flora of Alderney with a selection of pictures from the more than 10,000 photographs which

I have taken, over 29 years, of virtually all of the c.1,100 species, including those of a number of species

which have not been longer recorded here in 2015 for many years, such as Euphorbia peplis which is now thought to be extinct.


This new and illustrated electronic edition, updated to December 2014, is now offered with

652 hypertext linked distribution maps and about 980 of my photographs, linked to the species name, of the

majority of the extant flora of Alderney and also some of those species not now recorded for many years,

which may possibly be extinct here, this is also made available on my website; flora.org.gg.


8th August 2015



Go to the

plant list file.